Investing, made easy

Investing doesn’t have to be complicated and you don’t need a big bank balance to get started. We’re here to help make investing simple, with our easy to choose fund range.

Options to help your money work harder

Investing does come with some risk, but can give your money the potential to earn more than it would sitting in a normal savings or current account, as long as you’re willing to accept an element of risk. And we’ve made it easy to get started.

Whether you’re dipping a toe in while you grow your confidence or you just want to invest with minimum hassle, choose from one of our two fund options that you can pay directly from your salary and we’ll take it from there.

Find out more about our fund range options:

Explore our options


You don’t need to break the bank to kick-start a healthy saving habit. You can start from just £20 a month or £100 lump sum directly from your salary and save over time.

We’ll invest whatever you pay in through a Stocks and Shares ISA into your chosen fund to suit the amount of risk you’re happy to take.

Stocks and Shares ISAs are best looked at as a medium to long-term investment, which means about 5 to 10 years, but there is no minimum holding period for your investment.

Investing does come with some risk, but you have the potential to earn more than a cash savings account. We offer two investment options that cater to your risk appetite. The Simple fund choice allows you to choose from three diversified funds, based on your risk appetite. The Self-select funds allows you to select one fund from our extended fund range.

To help manage your risk, it’s a good idea to think about investments in the longer term. Leaving your money invested for longer means you have more time to recover from any short-term losses.

Help to learn how much risk you’re happy with

If you’re new to investing, you might want to test the water to help you understand how you feel about risk. Take the first step by investing a smaller amount in our fund range, so you can get comfortable and build confidence with experience.

You can check in on your investments any time with your online account.

It’s easy to set up a Stocks and Shares ISA online.

Select your investment type, specify the amount, and sign up

  • Start investing from as little as £20 a month. Or, kick-start your investment with a lump sum of £100 directly from your salary
  • You can save up to your annual ISA allowance limit
  • Check in on your investments anytime with your online account

There is no guarantee that you will get back a return and you could get back less than you invested.

  • You can invest as little as £20 a month but if you have more to squirrel away, make the most of your ISA savings allowance each year.
  • Think long-term. You can get hold of your money if you need it but it’s better to stay invested for at least five years to help manage your risk.
  • Remember, past performance is no guarantee of future returns.
  • It’s important that you spread your risk across different investments, which is why we’ve selected funds to make sure all your eggs aren’t in one basket and your risk is managed as well as possible.
  • Pay attention to risks and charges. Think carefully about the trade-off between the risk and return you’re willing to accept, and the fees you’re willing to pay.

It’s up to you to decide if an investment with us suits your needs. We don’t provide recommendations or advice. If you’re not sure, speak to a financial adviser. They will usually charge for their services, and you can find one at